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Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

At some point in our lives we all come face to face with questions about what we believe spiritually.  This plays a major role in helping us decide what we want to do with our lives and who each of us are as a person. It forces us to decide what our purpose is for our lifetime.  Sometimes  we ask these questions as the result of a crisis, personal loss or life stage changes. Leo Rosten, a Jewish writer wrote that “the purpose of life isn’t happiness but to matter to count, to stand for something, to have it make some difference that we have lived at all.’  Scientists say that the the atoms that make up the human body are five billion years old.  Knowing this fact we can’t help but wonder what we were before we were were born, and is it all random or part of a master plan?

 In the Blue Zones - Okinawa Japan, Sardinia Italy, Nicola Costa Rica, Ikaria Greece, and Loma Linda California (those areas of the world were people live to be over 100 years old)  are being studied and have been found to have several things in common.  “Centenarians typically get up everyday with a purpose, feel that their lives are meaningful.  They believe that the direction that their lives take is under their control, but guided by an external higher power.’ Michael Howard, PhD.

Here are the questions you need to answer for yourself and to help determine your purpose:

  1. What are the gifts I give the world? If you aren’t sure ask someone that knows you well.

  2. What are my personal values?

  3. What activity makes me the happiest or the most fulfilled?

  4. Why have I been born in this time and place?

  5. What do I believe spiritually?  Do I believe in a higher power?

  6. How can I make a difference in the world I live in?

  7. When my life is over, what do I want people to say about me and my life?                                                           Take some time and answer these questions thoughtfully.  The answers will guide you to your purpose in life and you next steps.


“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you figure out why.” Mark Twain 


Daily Affirmations



I am a Covid Warrior


I am afraid,

but I know that I have been called.


I am sad and I may cry,

but I am strong.


I am tired,

but I am determined to fight.


I am only one,

but I am one of many that will make the difference.


I am not alone,

 legions stand with me


I will find hope and give comfort,

where there is despair.


I will face this foe bravely,

and rest with the peace of knowing I did my part.


God is with me,

I am a Covid Warrior.






As I put my mask over my nose and mouth

may my voice comfort and may my every breath be in your devotion.


As I put on my face shield to protect my eyes

mayI see you in all your creation.


As I slip on my gown, may your mercy wrap around

me and give me courage.


When I wash my hands, may they be cleansed of 

fear and doubt.


As I put on my gloves, may my hands remain steady

and healing.


Protect me God, so I may take care of others.  Amen


                                                                Dr. Saira Rahman

                                                                South Bend Clinic




Precious Lord,

I am weary after a long day, fill me up afresh and restore my soul. Help 

me to release my cares into your hands, and wrap myself up in your promises.

Surround me with your tender mercies till I know in my soul that more rests on

your shoulders then on mine. I will rest in your grace and trust in your love.

Help me to sleep deeply and sweetly tonight and wake up full of expectancy,

ready to face the day tomorrow.   Amen

                                                                                   Susie Larson


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