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A yellow dandelion flower growing from a crack in concrete or cement. The concept of growt

Resiliency Tips

Resiliency Tips


1.  Work on expanding your support network.  If you are not sure how look first at the people           that come to you for support.


2.  Listen to your body, it will tell you what you need to know.  Eat well and get enough sleep.            Many problems seem insurmountable when stress and fatigue are present.  Plan an exercise        you actually enjoy doing and do it!


3.  Find a better way to decompress than with alcohol and junk food.  


4.  Make it a point to put activities in your schedule that are sources of pleasure. There should be     something you look forward to everyday.  Get away when you can.  Working overtime is not       always a blessing, don’t let it wear you down.  You are the expert on what renews you!


5.  Take your own emotional temperature frequently.  If you are emotionally reactive ask                  yourself, Why? If it isn’t going to matter in a month don’t let it bother you today.  Pick your            fights thoughtfully.


6.  Take the Professional Quality of Life Scale test at lease twice a year.  Take it online for free at


7.  Debrief events that have impacted you ideally within 48 to 72 hours.  Have a friend do the           debriefing following the card prompts in your Stat Lavender Bag or feel free to call me                 anytime at (248) 933-7111.


8.  Practice Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction exercise 5-20 minutes a day.  Breathing                   exercises are easy to do anywhere and have proven positive effects on the mind and body.         Check out Practicing Mindfulness, 75 Essential Meditations by Matthew Sockolov. Available on     Amazon.


9.  Reduce your Trauma inputs.  Take a look at the amount of traumatic material you are                 exposed to on the news, television shows, movies and books,  Remember the brain can’t tell         the difference between whats real and what’s not.  Trauma events are cumulative in the brain     from birth to death. Don’t become the walking wounded.


10.  Find a positive a positive affirmation that you identify with and repeat it daily.  Prayer works         too.


11.  Advocate for change in your workload when it’s too heavy or you need a break.


12.  Make time for you pet.  They are great debriefers and never suffer from Compassion Fatigue       or provider Burnout.  They are experts in Mindfulness.


13.  Stay in touch with your reason for going into this work in the first place.  This is your                       purpose.  What do you feel passionate about?  What do you want your legacy to be? This is         the effect you have on the people around you.  Find meaning in the work that you do.                   Remind yourself of this everyday before you start work. Challenge negativity and find                   gratitude in your life. Focus on what you did well at the end of the day.


14.  Let’s work on shaping a healthier work culture by stopping Lateral Violence.  


15.  Join us on Facebook at Resilient Professionals LLC and Stat Lavender Compassion Fatigue &       Resiliency Forum. Get help if you need it.  We all need a leg up sometimes.                                          



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